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February 11, 2015
As Buck Murdoch would say, “Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.”


Methinks it curious that Jon Stewart would resign his gag news gig the same day Brian Williams spiraled into terra firma in flames. (Well, a puff of smoke maybe. OK, a fart) But I digress.
In 2009 after Walter Cronkite, “The most trusted man in America,” checked out to that big news desk in the sky, Time Magazine did a poll to determine who was the new journalistic titan of trusty truth. Oddly enough, the clear winner was… Jon “fake news” Stewart at 44% – handily beating out the 2nd place contender, BS Brian Williams at 29%! Which is of course an outstanding illustration of the pathetic state of contemporary journalism. Not even good comedy.

Walter Cronkite, leggenda del giornalismo Usa e' morto a 92 anni. Racconto' agli americani i piu' importanti eventi del secolo scorsoLong ago, in a reality far far away, every night about supper time, “Uncle Walter” supposedly squeezed all the day’s newsworthy events into twenty three minutes (after commercials). But hey, when “the most trusted man in America” said, “and that’s the way it is”…well geez, not even the President is going to argue with him. In ’68 when Cronkite declared Vietnam a “stalemate”, LBJ said to his staff, “Well, that’s it. If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost middle America.”   I guess the good news is according to the latest Gallup poll only 23% of Americans trust the information they get from the media. So in reality mainstream media is not even mainstream anymore. Which may in part explain the Williams/Rathergate phenomenon. In light of abysmal ratings and associated plunge in advertising revenue, network news is not even about accurate news, its all about ratings. So Williams feels compelled to inflate a helicopter ride into cataclysmic calamity, a dull dry New Orleans street into death and decay, and a pompous pundit into a puppy paramedic. Hope he can keep his health plan. krug

Same Ol’ Lame Blame Game

October 15, 2014

DATELINE WASHINGTOON: Breaking News at Puffington Host [sic]… where the dynamic dyslexic Howard Fineman  is all in a Blue State of Mind funk – as his hopeless headline opines…

Remember The Fresh Promise Of Barack Obama?

What Happened To That Guy?


Geez, get a grip Howie. Anyone with the brains God gave a cantaloupe could answer your searing query in a heartbeat.

“Nothing.. Same lame brain empty suit y’all elected. TWICE!”

Can You Spot The Imposter?

Can You Spot The Imposter?

I recall  some similar cognitive disjunction from Peggy Noonan – formerly the brilliant Reagan speech writer / now turned pseudo-neocon commenter for MSNBC – penning Pulitzer Prize prose about her most excellent adventure at His Highness King Barack’s Coronation/Inauguration Address. To wit…

Anything is possible in America. We decide to go to the moon and soon it’s “Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed.” We decide to cure polio and soon it’s a nation of Wilma Rudolphs, running. We struggle over civil rights and then the young black man raises his hand and says “I, Barack Hussein Obama . . .” We so rock.


Excuse me… got a little teary eyed there for a second. Shakespeare eat your freaking heart out. YET her Op-Ed a year hence should have followed through with the Apollo meme – but the gist was the same:

“Houston! We have a problem”

obam gothic

So it follows after writing yourself into a deep dark drool-bucket hole scribbling prolific praises of the putzy POTUS – it would understandably be hard to write yourself back up to level ground. Thus Mr Fineman concludes it was not Dear Leader’s fault – and he provides a list of excuses ostensibly exonerating the poor little putz.

  • Middle East (Apparently they didn’t get the memo that Obama is awesome)

  • Words Matter (Should have dialed back the brilliance and wisdom a bit)

  • Sky High Expectations (Not like he said he’d move the ocean)

  • The Internet (?)

  • The Economy (You knew Bush was in there somewhere)

  • Competence (Too much of it or something.)

  • Washington (Just too primitive to cope)

  • And last, and likely least… Obamamajeans himself! (His brilliance and charisma were incomprehensible to the peons) Excessive Awesomeness. Or something.

Looney Tunes on steroids. We now return you to the real world. If there still is one.

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Nanny

April 6, 2014

“It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress.” – Mark Twain

Nancy Pelosi, self-professed warrior for oppressed women, minorities, the poor and assorted downtrodden masses has done quite well as Robyn the Hood. As Speaker, San Fran Nan’s net wealth doubled the year Obama took office, then doubled again the following year, in the midst of the worst recession since 1928 – and while median net worth for the proletariat plummeted some 20%. From Open Secrets.

Richest Nanny

More gold from San Fran Nan’s hypocritical hit parade:

“As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this”

She is referring here to late term abortion as “sacred,” and implying the Catholic Church concurs – for which the church suspended her from the holy Eucharist.

“Democrats believe we must create jobs, not protect the special interests; build the economy from the middle out, not the top down.”

The stimulus is nothing if not “top down”, and here in Georgia, the average cost was about $5,000,000 per Stimulus job created. The only way to build anything is from a foundation up.

The American people voted to restore integrity and honesty in Washington, D.C., and the Democrats intend to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical Congress in history.”

Pelosi Reid Obama

Oh, gag me with a stimulus shovel. “Congressional Ethics” is an oxymoron.

Deranged Détente Defined

March 19, 2014

The Ship of State has an idiot at the helm.

John F’n Kerry on the most explosive crisis in Europe since the Cuban Missile Crisis…

Kerry DiploBy way of contrast – Reagan at the Brandenburg Gate, June 12, 1987

There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, come here to this gate.
Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall

But alas, queue the Egg Man & the Walrus 

F’n Kerry: Let me be clear, I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
Putin: See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
F’n Kerry: I’m crying.
Putin: Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
F’n Kerry: I am the egg man
Putin: No, I am the egg man
F’n Kerry: I am the Walrus.
Putin: Goo goo g’joo…
F’n Kerry: Gesundheit.
Putin: Thank you
F’n Kerry: Welcome

Abortion Is Not a Constitutional Right

January 22, 2014

President Obama on the 41st anniversary of Roe v Wade: 

Statement by the President on Roe v. Wade Anniversary

Today, as we reflect on the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, we recommit ourselves to the decision’s guiding principle: that every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and her health.  We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her constitutional right to privacy, including the right to reproductive freedom.  And we resolve to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, support maternal and child health, and continue to build safe and healthy communities for all our children.  Because this is a country where everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams.

Freedom of Infanticide?
Freedom of Infanticide?

The Framers of the Constitution could not in their wildest imagination have foreseen that the very protections and freedoms they endeavored to create would one day be perverted to embrace infanticide under the pretense of “women’s health” and “freedom.” Had they known, “Abortion” would certainly have appeared in the Constitution as a repugnant evil absolutely forbidden in civilized society.

President Reagan on the 10th anniversary of Roe v Wade (1983)

(Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation)

“Make no mistake, abortion-on-demand is not a right granted by the Constitution. No serious scholar, including one disposed to agree with the Court’s result, has argued that the framers of the Constitution intended to create such a right. Shortly after the Roe v. Wade decision, Professor John Hart Ely, now Dean of Stanford Law School, wrote that the opinion “is not constitutional law and gives almost no sense of an obligation to try to be.”

This idea that a woman with limited resources or support – or pursuing a career – has “no choice” other than abortion contradicts the very essence of “pro choice.” Given reality and the facts, most would choose life.

Never abandon HOPE! This evil must CHANGE!

New York Times and The Age of Stupid

January 13, 2014


Just last week, The “Titanic” Times  – ironically never particularly passionate “Clintonistas” – suddenly found themselves desperately weaving Benghazi fairy tales of whole cloth to clear the path for the Proglodite heir apparent,   Hillary “Cackles” Clinton. The addled account ignored or missed – and was in outright contradiction to – a comprehensive Congressional report published one month before the Benghazi attack:

AL-QAEDA IN LIBYA: A PROFILE. I strongly recommend reading this. Among many other things, Obama, Clinton and Congress knew a month before the Benghazi attack:

  • Al-Qaeda has established a core network in Libya, but it remains clandestine and refrains from using the al-Qaeda name. (Hence al-Qaeda’s “absence” in NYT’s account)

  • Al-Qaeda adherents in Libya used the 2011 Revolution to establish well-armed, well-trained, and combat-experienced militias.

  • Ansar al-Sharia, led by Sufian Ben Qhumu, a former Guantanamo detainee, has increasingly embodied al-Qaeda’s presence in Libya, as indicated by its active social-media propaganda, extremist discourse, and hatred of the West, especially the United States.

Which brings us to this week’s Grey Lady delusionary debacle – Hillary’s most prominent nemesis and contender (pretender) to her throne presents an opportunity for a ponderous proglodite pounding – for maybe, possibly having something to do with a petty political power prank in NJ. The loony line up:

“Imagining (i.e. mocking) President Christie” – “One Way or the other He Should Resign”“The ‘I’ in Christie’s Storm” – and of course, from that loony libro ho, Mo Do, “Thunder Road.”

And if that weren’t enough – here, for your ponderous Pièce de résistance, its that Kooky Keynesian Krugman explaining how America’s investors, innovators, entrepreneurs and job creators are in fact “The Enemies of the poor.” Or something. Beam me up, Scotty.

Welcome to the New Age:



How About Some Cheese With That Whine?

December 29, 2013
Obama’s dismal  39% approval from Gallup reflects more than his pathetic performance. The main street folks are becoming increasingly frustrated with his incessant complaints, excuses, blame shifting, accusations, innuendo, hyperbole… the whole whiney sorry sophomoric shtick.  This from that radical right rag of record…The Boston Herald??
President Obama’s tanking approval rating in newly released polls shows Americans are tired of his whining, according to some experts  who also see a fighting chance for Republicans to rack up coast-to-coast victories in the 2014 midterm congressional races.
Can You Spot The Imposter?

Can You Spot The Imposter?

That, of course, assumes the Republicrats don’t drop the ball right when they finally have an advantage, and launch into their classic self-immolation routine. Not a safe bet by any means, yet the pouty POTUS continues to whine about everything from George Bush to Wall Street, to banks, millionaires, billionaires, heirs, Congress, Republicans, Bush, Rush, SCOTUS, FLOTUS, Fox News, the Jews, Tsunamis, Jihadis, Bush, Arab Spring has sprung, Bible clingers, gun clingers, country singers, Secret Service swingers, Bush,  Anthropomorphic Global [Ice Storm?] Computer worms,  bogus IRS forms, Rodeo Clowns, Flyover Towns, Putin’s frowns over gay Olympic Crowns, Gay significant others, the Muslim Brothers, and young healthy invincibles who won’t pay too much for something they don’t want or need and couldn’t afford if they did wanted it ’cause they’re still “remuneration challenged” [i.e. no freakin jobs]. Oh, and Bush.
All this has me singing a new tune and anticipating a great New Year – what with Oblamacare spiraling in flames toward Terra Firma – Barry’s B.S. battery out of bullets, and the loony lefties shifting into full on panic mode… — why, this should be about the best year since the people people thought were the ones they’d been waiting for turned out to be the cesspool cleaners. Or something.
Thus I leave you with the philosophical reassurance that the world we now inhabit, despite all the democretin defecation is still the best of all possible worlds! Imagine, if you dare, another world, an alternate reality where Barry Soetoro came on the American scene in 1776 and Washington turned up now! Hard to imagine what the little fella would have done, but we’d likely be residing in the not-so-United Provinces of Uzbekistan! Alas, all is well.   Have a Happy and prosperous NEW YEAR!!


True Hope Reigns – Hype & Hypocrisy Retreat

December 24, 2013

MerryI saw Handel’s Messiah last night for perhaps the 100th time, yet it’s as fresh and awe inspiring as the day it first brought me to tears.

…and the government shall be upon his shoulders. The King of all the world.

Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace

And He shall reign for ever and ever. Halleluiah! 


I #StandWithPhil because Phil stands for Jesus – God bless him and his family today! And you!!

Peace on earth and good will could never exist without Jesus and Hope is the one thing that overshadows and overpowers pretenders who would destroy it while professing to present it.


Stand Out of My Light

November 4, 2013

DiogentubForget Gault – I might go Diogenes.

Diogenes was the notorious cynic and forefather of Stoic Philosophy. He renounced his citizenship, divested himself of money and possessions, and lived in an overturned washtub at the marketplace. He used his simple lifestyle and behavior to criticize the social values and institutions of a corrupt society. He’s best known for walking about Athens with a lit lantern, in broad daylight, claiming to be “looking for an honest man.” It struck a nerve with the folks, and he became quite the 3rd century BC celebrity.

diogenalexDiogenes was also known as the only one ever to mock Alexander the Great – and retain his head. Alexander sought out the rock star/philosopher, and found him sunning himself at the market. He asked Diogenes if there were something he could do for him, to which Diogenes replied, “Yes, stand out of my light.”

Later, Alexander spotted him looking thoughtfully at a pile of human bones. Diogenes explained, “I am searching for the bones of your father but cannot distinguish them from those of a slave.” Ouch.

I hate cynicism. I’ve always tried to keep positive perspectives in the most dismal circumstances, but given the current political, economic and cultural circus – and now intentional deception and obfuscation about government actions clearly injurious to the wellbeing of our children – how can anyone with the brains God gave a coconut not become a world class, kick ass cynic?  

I could take my lantern to DC – but “looking for an honest man” there is infinitely more absurd than in ancient Athens.


Let’s just say to the empty emperor:

Hey Barry the not so Great. You are not superior – your defecation is at least as malodorous as the people you’re trying to enslave. Take your healthcare nightmare and the rest of your fundamental transformation and keep the change.

If you want to help us, STAND OUT OF OUR LIGHT.


A Legend In His Own Mind

October 22, 2013


Setting aside for the moment any personal animosity toward the President, which of the following behavioral traits would you say apply to Obama, and to what degree?


obaloof22It’s fair to say an unbiased observer (if one exists) would conclude “all of the above” apply to  our petty POTUS in greater or lesser degrees – which is more than a bit disconcerting, as this little “menu of madness” comes from “The American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders”.  It is in fact THE diagnostic criteria psychiatrists use to diagnose “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” (NPD). In practice, only five of the nine behaviors cited need be present for a positive diagnosis. It seems President Obama has the whole nine yards. In spades. Yikes.

Narcissus“Narcissism” simply means “self-love”. In Greek mythology, Narcissus was the incredibly handsome son of Cephissus, a river god, and a nymph named Liriope. He was exceptionally proud and arrogant, disdaining those who loved him, so a fellow named “Nemesis” (heh) led him to a pool where he fell in love with his own reflection, and being unable to leave the beauty of his own image, wasted away to death. Poor shmuck.

As distinct from “healthy narcissism” (i.e. positive self-image, self-esteem, self-confidence) which helps us survive and thrive in a competitive world – Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a “Cluster B (i.e. dramatic, emotional, or erratic) personality disorder which makes relationships, reality and rational decision making difficult at best – dangerous at worst.

In 2008, Dr Sam Vaknin, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited wrote an article making a rather compelling case that Barack Obama indeed exhibits all the hallmarks of NPD. In Vaknin’s words:

“Obama evidences symptoms of pathological narcissism, which is different from the run-of-the-mill narcissism of a Richard Nixon or a Bill Clinton for example. To him reality and fantasy are intertwined. This is a mental health issue, not just a character flaw. Pathological narcissists are dangerous because they look normal and even intelligent.”

Some of Vaknin’s specific observations on Obama – Barack Obama: Narcissist or Merely Narcissistic?


Naturally the [alleged] media – the principal providers of Obama’s “Narcissistic Supply” (constant praise, attention, adulation, adoration) – either simply ignored Dr Vaknin, or condescendingly dismissed his observations because he is not a “licensed” psychologist or psychiatrist. There are two serious flaws with that write-off:  Vaknin’s research is widely accepted and highly acclaimed across the psychiatric field as the definitive source on NPD. Secondly, he has personally suffered and struggled with NPD his entire life. In my own humble experience counseling with alcoholics, addicts, and personality disorders from depression to paranoid schizophrenia – the folks in the trenches, daily fighting these issues for their very lives, are far and away the most knowledgeable and reliable sources on these conditions – bar none. Since being elected, Obama’s Narcissistic Pathology has grown predictably worse. Please check out Dr. Vaknin’s site.

obambirdPathological Narcissism is a reaction to prolonged abuse and trauma in early childhood or early adolescence.  Obama’s early life was certainly chaotic – replete with traumatic and psychologically bruising instability and displacement. Mixed-race marriages were rare then – not socially acceptable – plus they married five months before his birth, even more unseemly for the day. They divorced when he was two, then his father abandoned him and saw him only once, before he died in Kenya. His mother soon re-married and relocated Obama to Indonesia to be raised by a stepfather of a different faith and worldview, in  a vastly divergent culture where he was radically dissimilar from other children. At ten, with his “new” parent’s marriage failing, he was sent off to live with his maternal (white) grandparents. He saw his mother only intermittently in the following few years, then she vanished from his life in 1979. She died in 1995. Abandonment, rejection, humiliation, isolation, shame, fear, confusion, anger, anxiety and no sense of security or family stability… Sheesh, a dysfunctional zoo.

obarrogantttIn short, Barry O is a textbook case of compensation for deep psychological scars via narcissistic pathology, which ironically is also the very thing that propelled him to power! Or, in other words, the leader of the free world doesn’t have both oars in the water. Another fine reason the founding fathers set up government with checks and balances. Someone like this with unfettered power would be truly dangerous. But failing that, God also has a  habit of pounding pseudo omniscients and omnipotents down to size. He has in fact applied it to meself from time to time when me pride got out of hand. Here’s a free slice of wisdom – humble yourself. It hurts a whole lot less than if God has to do it. O that Barry would heed. Methinks he’ll come down hard when reality finally smacks him.

All this also helps explain the ambiguity and absurdity oozing out of Washington these days. The government seems insane because it is insane. The GOP – currently void of visionary and principled leadership – is thrashing about reacting to High Drama Obama’s nutty contradictions – and conceding core conservative principles that the majority of Americans are desperate to hear again – all in a bizarre endeavor to keep up with a mad man?

idiotSo what was the point of Cruz’ non-filibuster-filibuster? A brief moment of opportunity to rise above the bizarre banality and clueless craziness – speaking plain truth, reason and reality right in the middle of the loony bin. People heard.

“Hey, that guy all the reporters say is crazy and evil says Obamacare won’t work, and the Government needs to stop spending our grandkid’s money and Congress should live by the same rules we do. He’s right.”

You can’t turn a ship to Starboard on a dime. You set right rudder and hold it there. She’ll come around in good time if you hold steady.